Praise Page

We are constantly looking for and rewarding excellent behaviour across the school. Superstars are members of our school who demonstrate excellent behaviour and make our school a great place to be. Each week a Superstar is selected from each class for their positive behaviour; we also have a lunchtime superstar chosen by the midday supervisors and a headteacher’s superstar too. Superstars are announced during Friday’s Celebration Assembly. Their names and the reason they were chosen are recorded in a special book, they are presented with certificates to take home. Superstars are also proudly displayed in the main entrance hall of the school.

Stars of the Week 18th March

Holly Class Star of the Week:


For being such a great role model in Holly class. Willem always comes in with a big smile and joins in with all the different activities. We love to see you every week Willem! Well done.

Willow Class Star of the Week:


For always showing how keen you are to be in school, Luca is enthusiastic and has made some good friends. He has made brilliant progress with his reading and loves to use his phonic knowledge to write signs and messages.

Beech Class Stars of the Week:


For making great progress with reading. Clara is a role model for great focus and participation in phonics lessons. Well done Clara!


For showing great listening skills in the classroom. Micah is always keen to join in with all our learning activities and is working hard to remember to focus during class discussion times. Well done Micah!

Maple Class Star of the Week:


For always being ready to learn and having a fantastic attitude! Galip is an amazing role model for others and always follows school rules! Well done Galip, keep it up!

Laurel Class Star of the Week:


For working so hard and learning to speak, read and write in English. It was lovely to see Mardauche stand up in front of the class and share a compliment about a friend. He is also using the sounds he has learnt in phonics to write words independently in class, and his handwriting is getting neater every day. You should be proud of what you have achieved so far, well done!

Sycamore Class Star of the Week:


 For an excellent retelling of the Battle of Watling Street. This week Oliver has impressed us with a long piece of writing that took hard work and resilience to complete. His attitude on the school trip was fantastic and he has shown great excitement for all of his Boudicca learning. Well done, Oliver!

MSA Star of the Week:


For always being so kind to others and helpful and polite to the MSAs at lunchtime. Well done Daisy, you are a star!

Interim Executive Headteacher - Catherine Wright
Chair of Governors - Karen Gardner

Colman Infant School
Colman Road, Norwich NR4 7AW

Colman Junior School
South Park Avenue, Norwich NR4 7AU