
New for September 2022

“Nurture groups are designed to address the social and emotional needs that can hamper pupils’ learning.  As well as providing academic teaching, the group is designed to help children develop vital social skills, to develop confidence and self-respect and to take pride in behaving well and in achieving.”
– Nurture UK 

At Colman, our nurture group ‘Colman Kangaroos’ is an intervention classroom open four mornings a week for the children of identified need who each have a bespoke timetable aimed to transition them back to success in the mainstream classroom over a maximum of four terms. 

Our nurture environment has an emphasis on social development, language, and emotional understanding and regulation through routine and play. We aim to create a safe and comfortable space with home-like elements where the children are supported in practicing their social skills and can build a toolbox of strategies and a bank of positive memories that can bridge the gap between home life and the mainstream classroom. 

Kangaroos eat breakfast and lunch together, play together and share in the celebration of each other’s successes and achievements. At Colman we aim to integrate the routines and approaches of our nurture group with the ethos and policy of our schoolwide mainstream practice to ensure that all children develop a sense of belonging in a trustworthy and safe community.

Interim Executive Headteacher - Catherine Wright
Chair of Governors - Karen Gardner

Colman Infant School
Colman Road, Norwich NR4 7AW

Colman Junior School
South Park Avenue, Norwich NR4 7AU