Year 4

Welcome to Year 4!

Hello! We are super excited to welcome you into Year 4. We know that things might feel and be a bit different since you were last at Colman but we will be here to guide you through coming back to school and making sure you feel comfortable and happy.

Year 4 helpful information:

Please ensure these items are brought into school on the following days:

Tuesday PE kits
Wednesday Library books
Thursday Swimming kits for Sensory Swimmers, homework due in
Friday Homework goes out and spelling test. PE kits or swimming kits.


In Year 4, your homework each week is to:

  • Practise your spellings reading for a spelling test on Friday.
  • Read at least 3 times a week.
  • Complete the times table sheet and play TTRockstars.

These are the only compulsory pieces of homework which will be set in Year 4.

Spelling Books:

Bring your spelling book into school on Friday ready for your spelling test and to get new spellings to practise at home for the next weeks test.

Times Table Rock Stars:

Learning our times tables are always important but they are particularly important in Year 4! Please ensure you are playing Times Table Rockstars (TTRS) at least once a week outside of school time. We have regular tournaments between the two year group classes, and certificates are awarded in whole-school Celebration Assembly each week for certain skills such as: quick response time; highest proportion of correct answers; coins earned and most improved player.


Mr Burdett

I am excited to be teaching Year 4 at Colman Junior School this year. My favourite subjects are Geography, Maths, Music and PE. In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my family, playing and watching sport, and reading.


Mrs Kinna

I am one of the Year 4 teachers and I am excited about this year! My favourite subjects are Art and D&T and I am looking forward to getting creative! When I am not in school, I enjoy painting, drawing and gardening.

Mrs Balasuriya

I am looking forward to working with 4LK and watching them thrive. My favourite subjects are English and Maths. Outside of school, I enjoy reading and listening to 80's music.

Interim Executive Headteacher - Catherine Wright
Chair of Governors - Karen Gardner

Colman Infant School
Colman Road, Norwich NR4 7AW

Colman Junior School
South Park Avenue, Norwich NR4 7AU